I have to confess, I'm not very good at staying on track. I jump from one idea to the next and I change things a lot! When I create something, I keep thinking of ways it could be better or then I see something that looks way better then what I just created and it's back to the drawing board for me. Well, I am working again at rebranding Happiness, Actually.

While I love the colours that I've chosen, they just aren't me or what I'm trying to get across. They don't go with my ideas of what I want for my business. You may be confused as to what my business actually is! Well, here is what I hope to do with my platform here:
I'd love to have a space to talk about my journey to simplifying my house and life.
I'd love to talk about mental health and my journey through anxiety and depression.
I'd love to be able to practice and share my artwork with the wider world.
I'd love to share my garden and gardening tips that I've picked up over the years.
Essentially, I want to share my journey of simplifying my life and connecting to creativity and nature. I hope you'll come along with me. Let me know what you'd like to see here!
